понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dover parkersburg

Ok 8c i took down the dum arts but i leev dis meme incase nebody wants to know mi FASCINATING�SEKRITS

all zero of you reading this XD

The problem with LJ: we all think we are so close, but really, we know nothing about each other.

So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about.

Ask away.

Then post this in your LJ and find out what people donapos;t know about you (optional as always)

dover parkersburg, dover park view, dover park rec, dover park hospice singapore.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

empire state building measurement

I spent the vast majority of my day reading. I forgot how much I adore a good book. I used to get migraines whenever I would read, so I had to stop years ago. Thankfully, when Miss Ashlynn came along, I didnapos;t just get fat, but all of my hormones got mixed up and the migraines went away. Yay I rarely have migraines anymore.
Anyways... I started (well, I was only about 30 pages into it) and finished reading Jodi Picoultapos;s My Sisterapos;s Keeper. It was really, really good and I highly recommend it. I will say, however, that one should be prepared to cry... A lot. I pretty much cried through the entire thing. I feel emotionally cleansed at this point. As if there arenapos;t any more tears left... At least for a while. Haha. Itapos;s a pleasant feeling.

I have so many books I want to read.
I want to finish:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The Nazi Officerapos;s Wife
I want to star:
Twilight series
The remaining HP books
The Shack

Any other suggestions?
empire state building measurement, empire state building materials, empire state building maps, empire state building map.

contempoary furniture

Riding home this evening with the kids in the backseat, I was playing the iPod. The Faint - The Geeks Were Right comes on.

Daedalus "I LOVE this song I love it more than gummy worms"

He then proceeds to sing along. He knows the words. He dances in his seat.

When it is over he says "Mom, I really like The Faint. They are much better than your hippie music. That hippie music is boring"

Me "Really? What is my hippie music"

Him "Oh, everything that makes me go BLAAAAHHHH Eamon doesnapos;t like it, and neither do I. He is right, and you are wrong mom. The Geeks song is good music. I know this."

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

diamonds on the soles lyrics

I mailed my requests for campus tours and programs to everywhere except Ovirucci City-State University on 22 Thory. After all, why write a letter when I can just drop in? Both the Academy of the Glorious Sun and Hellestew Academy are on this branch, so I expect the quickest turn around time from those schools. As Green Magical Academy and Vreshame are each a branch away, in different directions, Iapos;ve decided to expect a longer period before return mail.

Because I do not know which school where I will like both the campus and the program, I will wait until Iapos;ve taken the tours to send my application letters. Toprepare, I have already started those letters:

[My address]

[Dean of Admissionapos;s Name]
[School Name]
Department of Admissions
[Schoolapos;s Address]

Dear [Dean of Admissions]

After both studying [School]apos;s progam and touring the campus, I would like to apply to [School] to further my (magical) education.� To speed your consideration, I have included a copy of my transcript from Rollward Ovirrucci Elementary School. I look forward to hearing from you again. Thank you.


"Zhal�skra" oa Steelwings
diamonds on the soles lyrics, diamonds on the inside video, diamonds on the inside tabs, diamonds on the inside tablature.